Thought twice about posting these, but what the hell...
As I've mentioned before, I work for
The Tall Ship in Glasgow. It's a 19th century sailing ship that's been restored as a museum and we're always trying to promote it. Although it's the ONLY ship berthed along the River Clyde and thousands of people pass it every day on their way to work, most weegies still think I work in a pub called The Tall Ship (as featured in local Scottish TV programme,
River City).
A few months ago we hosted an exhibition of photographs of my home town and I thought I'd ask my mum to mention this to her pal who works for the local rag. Needless to say she did, and the next day I got a phone call asking all kinds of questions about me, my career, the ship etc. They were gonna run a spread on 'Local Girl Done Good' or something of that nature. Time passed and I forgot all about it. Until today.
Mum rang me this morning to say her pal had asked for a photo of me - eek! As I thought of the array of dodgy pics my mum has collected of me over the years: age 2 with a bowl of spaghetti hoops over head, age 12 in a pair of dungarees and ringlets in my hair (rocking the 'I'm so alternative hippy' vibe), age 18 with pink hair and posing in a dodgy trilby etc, I began to freak out.
Shit, I'm at work, what can I do?? That's right - grab a colleague and do a quick photoshoot!
Here I am rocking a back-to-front pirate tshirt to cover my chest tattoo, my 'emergency smart jacket', a pair of white sannies I picked up last night for a fiver in Pradamark and a cheesey grin to rival
Nicky Wire. Ahoy!