Things What I LOVE...
- Still obsessing over this ideal combination - bright orange and blue. Wish my hair was this colour! Stole this picture from Kirsty. I have a great blue Lipglass from MAC that I've yet to experiment with properly. Perhaps tomorrow's night's Hot Mess Club in Edinburgh will be the place??
- My new iPhone apps: Instagram - a super easy to use photo sharing device with lots of cute filters. Good for when you're on the go and bored. I'm baroque_boudoir of anyone wants to add me! Next up is mappiness - basically a a research project at the London School of Economics whereby participants receive alerts to their phone throughout the day and have to answer a few basic questions about how happy they feel at that present moment in time. Quirky, and makes me feel special when I hear the beep! Sure I'll get bored of it soon though...
- Welsh accents. I watched a whole episode of Don't Tell The Bride last night just because the couple had really cute welsh accents. Maybe it's a throw-back to my Manic Street Preachers-loving days, who knows, but I just can't get enough of the Welsh twang. Bootiful!
- Munching on Rice Crispie Squares - nom, nom, nom
- Being cured by Boots Max Strength Cold and Flu. A few people commented on my post yesterday that Lemsip (and it's cheap Boots knock-off) are not available outside the UK. You poor souls! I've took my full days dose yesterday, which includes a night-time dose with sleep aid, and another few today and I feel 100 times better! It NEVER fails me. On the flip side, folks outside the UK can easily get their mitts on Advil PMs - a god-send for anyone who suffers from sleepless nights and doesn't want to feel like a zombie the next morning - like Night Nurse - which knocks me out for 12 hours straight and takes me about 2 days to really wake up from again.
- Looking for a suitably geeky new tattoo? How about one in Quick Response Code? Apparently Levi Smith from The Jade Monkey Tattoo in Phoenix, Arizona is ahead of the game:
Things What I LOATHE...
wind that totally rapes your hair // eating noodles while watching TV with your specs on - steamy // not having enough hours in the day to get through all the wonderful updates on my Google Reader :-(